October 2022 Meetings of ANC6B

October 2022 Meetings of ANC6B

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  1. Introduction
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Consent Agenda
    1. September Minutes
    2. Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee
      1. ABRA-111597: Emilie’s LLC, t/n Paraiso, 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue SE; Review of updated Settlement Agreement – Withdraw Protest and Support with signed Settlement Agreement
      2. ABRA-119954: RRG Catering, LLC t/n: Rose’s at Home, 721 8TH ST SE: Class “C” Restaurant License: ENDORSEMENT(S): Sidewalk Cafe Applicate: Aaron Silverman and Don Silverman – aaron@rosesrestaurantgroup.com, Petition Deadline: Nov 14th, 2022 [6B03] – Support Amendment to the current Settlement Agreement
    3. Planning and Zoning Committee
      1. BZA 20802: 639 A Street SE; Special Exception to construct a two-story garage with accessory apartment, to an existing, semi-detached, two-story with cellar, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 870, Lot 113); Owner(s): 639A, LLC/ Haider Haimus & Jessica Bachay; Applicant: Jennifer Fowler, jennifer@fowler-architects.com; Hearing Date: 11/09/22 [6B02]
        Documents: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/CaseReport/CaseReportPage.aspx?case_id=20802
    4. Transportation Committee
  4. Presentations
  5. Community & Commission Announcements & Speak Out
  6. Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee
    1. ABRA-072633: 18th Amendment, LLC t/n: Barrel, 613 Pennsylvania Ave SE: Class “C” Tavern License: ENDORSEMENT(S): Sidewalk Café, Applicant: Mark Menard Managing Member: (202) 391-1176, Petition Deadline: Oct 31st, 2022 [6B02]
    2. ABRA-112356: 700 Wine, LLC. t/n: The Eastern, 360 7th ST SE: Class “C” Tavern License: ENDORSEMENT(S): Sidewalk Café, Applicant: Mike Schuster, mschus11@gmail.com; Petition Deadline: Oct 31st, 2022 [6B02]
    3. ABC Report
  7. Planning and Zoning Committee
    1. HPA 22-373: 117 12th Street SE; Concept review for construction of a new two-story residential building; Owner(s): Eric and Elizabeth Paisner, lizpaisner@gmail.com; Applicant: Eric Teran, eteran@eustilus.com; Hearing Date: 10/27/22 or 11/03/22 [6B05]
    2. BZA 20798: 117 12th Street SE; Special Exception to raze an existing shed and construct a new, detached, two-story principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 989, Lot 807); Owner(s): Eric and Elizabeth Paisner; Applicant: Alexandra Wilson, awilson@sullivanbarros.com; Hearing Date: 11/02/22 [6B05]
      Documents: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/CaseReport/CaseReportPage.aspx?case_id=20798
    3. PZ Report
  8. Transportation Committee – *Scheduled for Wednesday, October 19th
    1. Review of Residential Parking at 4th & Independence Avenue SE – Commissioner Jennifer Samolyk (6B01)
    2. DDOT’s EV Curbside Charging Program & Rules (tentative)
      Program: https://ddot.dc.gov/page/electric-vehicle-charging-station-program
      Regulations: https://ddot.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ddot/page_content/attachments/Notice%20of%20Final%20Rulemaking-%20EV%20Charging%5B94%5D.pdf
    3. Briefings on Current Legislation under Review at DC Council
      B24-0673 Safer Streets Amendment Act of 2022 
      – B24-0978/0977 Department of For Hire Vehicles Delivery Vehicle Traffic Enforcement Expansion Temporary Amendment Act of 2022
  9. Hill East Task Force
  10. Livable Community Task Force
  11. Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee
  12. Capitol Hill Business Interest Working Group
  13. Financial
    1. Treasurer’s Report
    2. FY22 Q4 Quarterly Report
    3. ANC 6B FY23 Budget
  14. ANC 6B Administrative Matters
    1. Resident Member Nomination
      1. Whitney Smith – P&Z Committee [6B03]
  15. ANC 6B Input on Other Concerns
  16. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: At regular Commission meetings, any item may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda at the request of a single Commissioner. All ABC, BZA, Zoning, and Historic Preservation cases may be added to this agenda. For additional information, email 6b@anc.dc.gov, or visit ANC 6B’s website: www.anc6b.org.

The ANC 6B Executive Committee will meet on October 25 at 7:00 PM to set the November 2022 agenda. This meeting will be a Webex virtual meeting. Meeting link TBA.

*Note: This meeting date has been adjusted to avoid conflicts with holidays or religious days.