May 2022 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting

May 2022 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting

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  1. BZA 20730: 1208 D ST SE; Special Exception to construct a second story accessory garage addition, to an existing, attached, two-story principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 1017, Lot 801); Owner(s): Sharon Harrelson,; Applicant: Lacy Brittingham,; Hearing Date: 06/08/2022 [6B06]
  2. BZA 20723: 109 11 ST SE; Special Exception to construct a second story, rear addition, to an existing, attached, two-story, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 968, Lot 822); Owner(s): Stephen Mallott and Yunus Arslan,; Applicant: Gregory Kearley,; Hearing Date: 05/25/2022 [6B05]
  3. HPA 22-230: 300 G St SE; Rear yard two story addition; Owner(s): William Cox and Audrey Draper,; Applicant: Eric Teran,; Hearing Date: 04/28/22 or 05/05/22 TBD [6B03]
  4. HPA 22-277: 639 A Street SE; Two-story addition with cellar, new cellar under existing house, window wells, interior renovation, two-story carriage house to replace one-story garage; Owner(s): Jessica Bachay and Haider Haimus; Applicant: Jennifer Fowler,; Hearing Date: 05/26/2022 or 06/02/2022 [6B02]
  5. HPA 22-278: 135 Kentucky Ave SE; Two-story addition at rear of house, one-story addition on garage; Owner(s): Jeffery and Jill Miller; Applicant: Jobi Jones,; Hearing Date: 05/26/2022 or 06/02/2022 [6B05]
  6. [LATE BREAKING] BZA 20626: 139 D St SE; Special Exception to construct two, second story rear additions, to an existing, attached, two-story with cellar, principal dwelling unit in the RF-3 zone (Square 734, Lot 846); Owner(s): Irvin and Kathy Shapell; Applicant: Chris Williams,; Hearing Date: 05/25/2022 [6B01]
  7. [LATE BREAKING] HPA 22-228: 510 9th St SE; Partial third floor roof deck above existing house. New cellar windows and wells on front façade, front steps to be replaced; Owner(s): Natalie Orpett and David Stoopler,; Applicant: Jennifer Fowler,; Hearing Date: 05/26/22 or 06/02/22 [6B04]
  8. Letter to encourage OP to continue to analyze potential for increased Alley and Accessory Building housing units [Draft Letter]
  9. Rezoning 1323 E Street SE – Filing Letter to DCOZ
    [Draft Statement in Support]