April 2023 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting

April 2023 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting

Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Time: 7:00PM – 9:00PM
Join Information: This meeting will be held virtually.

Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/99950004658

Meeting Passcode (Computer or App): Qr6S6W6a1^

Dial in: (301) 715 8592

Meeting ID: 999 5000 4658

Meeting Passcode (Phone): 6786207790


  1. Introductions
  2. Request for Oversight by Council of DOB Vacant Building Enforcement [Removed]
  3. BZA 20834: 4-5 Library Court SE; Special Exception to combine one tax lot and two record lots in the RF-3 zone (Square 788, Lots 28 and 817); Owner(s): Academy Holdings, LLC, finnpatent@msn.com; Applicant: Will Teass, will@teass-warren.com; Hearing Date: 05/03/23 [6B01] Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/Home/ViewCase?case_id=20834
  4. BZA 20870: 1236 Walter Street SE [LATE BREAKING]; To construct a two-story rear addition, to an existing attached, two-story with cellar, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone. (Square 1015, Lot 226); Owner(s): Amanda and Aaron Meyers, meyers710@gmail.com; Applicant: Mike Fowler, mike@fowler-architects.com; Hearing Date: 04/26/2023 [6B06]; Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/Home/ViewCase?case_id=20870
  5. HPA 23-253: 1236 Walter Street SE [LATE BREAKING]; To construct a two-story rear addition, to an existing attached, two-story with cellar, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone. (Square 1015, Lot 226); Owner(s): Amanda and Aaron Meyers, meyers710@gmail.com; Applicant: Mike Fowler, mike@fowler-architects.com; Hearing Date: 04/26/2023 [6B06]; Plans: https://app.box.com/s/dhn9muwq7e6fqor5v5v40hn1w7yanfma/folder/198045677933
  6. Rezoning of 1323 E Street SE
  7. Potential of Moving P&Z Meetings from Tuesday to the Thursday ABC Committee Slot
  8. Adjournment

For additional information, please contact Commissioner Francis “Frank” D’Andrea, Chair of ANC 6B Planning and Zoning Committee at 6b04@anc.dc.gov.