November 2019 Meetings of ANC 6B

November 2019 Meetings of ANC 6B

  1. Introduction
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Consent Agenda
    1. Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee
      1. ABRA-111597: Emilie’s LLC, Emilie’s, 1101 Pennsylvania Ave SE; Class “C” Restaurant license Renewal; Applicant: Efrat Tamary,, Kevin Tien,; Petition Deadline: 12/09/2019 [6B04]
      2. ABRA-085710: Canal 5 LLC, The Brig, 1007 8th St SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license; Applicant: Mark Brody,; Petition Deadline: 11/25/2019 [6B04]
      3. ABRA-077708: L Wisdom Corporation, Wisdom; 1432 Pennsylvania Ave SE; Class “C” Tavern License Renewal; Applicant: Erik Holzherr,; Petition Deadline: 11/12/2019 [6B09]
      4. ABRA-000559: Tune Inn Inc., Tune Inn Restaurant, 331 Pennsylvania Ave SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license Renewal; Applicant: Lisa Nardelli,; Petition Deadline: 11/18/2019 [6B01]
      5. ABRA-108218: Publican Ventures, LLC, Hawk N’ Dove, 329 Pennsylvania Ave SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license; Applicant: Tom Johnson,; Petition Deadline: 11/25/2019 [6B01]
      6. ABRA-112356: 700 Wine, LLC, The Eastern, 360 7th St SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license; Applicant: Mike Schuster,; Petition Deadline: 11/18/2019 [6B02]
      7. ABRA-072633: 18th Amendment, LLC, Barrel, 613 Pennsylvania Ave SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license; Applicant: Mark Menard,; Petition Deadline: 11/19/2019 [6B02]
      8. ABRA-071352: 1420 Pennsy, LLC, Trusty’s Bar, 1420 Pennsylvania Ave SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license; Applicant: Mark Menard,; Petition Deadline: 11/25/2019 [6B06]
    2. Planning and Zoning Committee
      1. Public Space Application #10752492: 1101 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Emilie’s; New Sidewalk Cafe Un-Enclosed; Outdoor sidewalk cafe with 35 seats; Applicant: Efrat Tamary,, Kevin Tien, [6B04]
      2. BZA #20147: 148 11th St SE; Special Exception to build a one-story rear addition and a two-story side addition to an attached principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 Zone at premises 148 11th Street S.E. (Square 989, Lot 26); Owner(s): Christopher Lobb and Paola Barbara,; Applicant: Jennifer Fowler,; Hearing Date: 11/20/2019 [6B05]
      3. HPA 20-037: 716 L St SE; Concept: addition/alteration of existing 3-story commercial building to a 4-story plus penthouse multi-family apartment building; Owner: 716 L St SE LLC; Applicant: Will Teass, [6B04]
      4. BZA #20145: 717 Kentucky Ave SE; Special Exception to construct a two-story rear addition to an existing attached principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 Zone at premises 717 Kentucky Avenue S.E. (Square 1077, Lot 0076); Owner(s): Andy and Courtney Briggs,; Applicant: Jennifer Fowler,; Hearing Date: 11/20/2019 [6B09]
      5. Zoning Commission Case 19-11: Text amendment to reduce parking requirements for public and charter schools in RF zones by 50% and to allow mechanical penthouses; Hearing Date: 12/5/2019
    3. Transportation Committee
  4.  Presentations
    1. Deputy Inspector General for Business Management and Public Information Officer, Jaime Yarussi, DC Office of the Inspector General – OIG 101 Presentation
    2. Assistant City Administrator Jay Melder re: Heliport
    3. Deputy Chief of Staff, DC Department of Housing & Community Development [Invited]
  5. Community & Commission Announcements & Speak Out
  6. Alcohol Beverage Control Committee
    1. ABRA-023601: Am & Eve Corporation, The Capitol Lounge, 229 Pennsylvania Ave SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license; Applicant: James Silk,; Petition Deadline: 11/25/2019 [6B01]
    2. ABRA-081014: DTI Capital Hill, LLC, Cava, 527-529 8th St SE; Renewal of Class “C” Tavern license; Applicant: Ted Zenohristos,; Petition Deadline: 11/18/2019 [6B03]
    3. ABRA-106766: 507 K LLC, SkillZone, 709 8th St SE; Renewal of Class “D” Tavern license; Applicant: Eliza Fox & Michael Campbell,; Petition Deadline: 11/25/2019 [6B03]
    4. ABRA-001200, WTS Restaurant Management LLC d/b/a YAJU RAMEN. Transfer of existing Class “C” Tavern license with Entertainment, Cover Charge, Sidewalk Cafe, and Summer Garden Endorsements; Applicant: Zhihui Guo [6B03]
    5. ABC Report
  7. Planning and Zoning Committee
    1. Update from Comprehensive Plan Working Group
    2. Resolution to authorize a Rezoning Petition for the triangle between 12th Street, Water Street, and M Street SE to MU-13 (medium density riverfront-adjacent mixed use) and MU-11 (riverfront-adjacent open space)
    3. PZ Report
  8. Transportation Committee
    1. Presentation by Revel Representative on the Introduction of Share Mopeds
    2. EMMP Transportation Study
    3. TC Report
  9. Hill East Task Force
    1. Report of HETF Meeting – November 4, 2019
  10. Livable Community Task Force
  11. Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee Report
  12. Working Group on Barrack’s Row
  13. Financial
    1. Treasurers Report
  14. ANC 6B Administrative Matters
    1. Appointment of Resident Member:
      1. Brian Kirrane – Transportation Committee [6B03]
      2. Stefan Katz – Transportation Committee [6B07]
  15. ANC 6B Input on Other Concerns
    1. Support of DHCD $500,000 Façade Grant to Barracks Row Main Street
  16. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: At regular Commission meetings, any item may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda at the request of a single Commissioner. All ABC, BZA, Zoning, and Historic Preservation cases may be added to this agenda. For additional information, email, or visit ANC 6B’s website:

The ANC 6B Committee will meet on November 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM to set the December 2019 agenda. This meeting is held in the Frager’s Conference Room, 3rd Floor, the Hill Center, 921 Pennsylvania Avenue SE.