April 2022 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting

April 2022 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting

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Meeting link: https://dcnet.webex.com/dcnet/j.php?MTID=m883f4b3ead1fba3efc799bf5650c2be1
Meeting number: 2302 705 1622
Password: wD332cJWASN
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Access code: 2302 705 1622


  1. 2022 Capitol Hill Classic 10K, 3K, and Fun Run
  2. BZA 20684: 428 11th Street SE; Special Exception to construct a rear, two-story addition to an existing, attached, two-story with basement, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 992, Lot 805); Owner(s): Terry Carr; Applicant: Ileana Schinder, ile@ileanaschinder.com; Hearing Date: 04/27/22 [6B04]
    Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/CaseReport/CaseReportPage.aspx?case_id=20684
  3. BZA 20700: 1415 Potomac Avenue SE; Special Exception to construct a rear, two-story addition with deck, to an existing, attached, two-story with cellar, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 1065NE, Lot 21); Owner(s): Dr. Alice Bellis, aobellis@gmail.com;  Applicant: Johnathan Campbell, campbell.johnathan@gmail.com; Hearing Date: 04/27/22 [6B06]
    Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/CaseReport/CaseReportPage.aspx?case_id=20700
  4. BZA 20701: 912 G St SE; Special Exception to construct a roof deck on an accessory garage to an existing, attached, two-story with cellar, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 949, Lot 56); Owner(s): Jennisey Basart and Paul Beckman, jenniseyterp@gmail.com; Applicant: Joel Heisey, dchome@hotmail.com; Hearing Date: 05/04/22 [6B04]
    Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/CaseReport/CaseReportPage.aspx?case_id=20701
  5. BZA 20705: 1350 E Street SE; Special Exception to construct an animal boarding establishment in an existing, detached, mixed use building in the MU-4 zone (Square 1042, Lot 7006); Owner(s): FP Capitol Holdings LLC; Applicant: Christopher Cohen, christopher.cohen@hklaw.com; Hearing Date: 05/04/22 [6B06]
    Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/CaseReport/CaseReportPage.aspx?case_id=20705
  6. BZA 20713: 135 Kentucky Ave SE; Special Exception to construct a two-story rear addition, and a second story garage addition to an existing, attached, two-story with basement, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone (Square 1014, Lot 26); Owner(s): Jeffery and Jill Miller, nightraven127@gmail.com; Applicant: Jobi Jones, jobi@jobijonesllc.com; Hearing Date: 05/11/22 [6B05]
    Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/CaseReport/CaseReportPage.aspx?case_id=20713   
  7. HPA 22-243: 745 10th St SE; New accessory building in rear yard with roof deck; Owner(s): Jennifer May; Applicant: Stephen santos, ssantos@gtmarchitects.com; Hearing Date:  04/28/22 or 05/05/22 [6B04]
    Plans: https://app.box.com/s/dhn9muwq7e6fqor5v5v40hn1w7yanfma/folder/159270375978
  8. Resolution requesting increased regulation of last mile delivery services (DashMart, GoPuff, etc.)
  9. Letter to encourage OP to continue to analyze potential for increased Alley and Accessory Building housing units