July 2022 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting

July 2022 Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting


  1. HPA 22-371: 323 10th St SE; Concept: Construct a new detached 2-story accessory structure; Owner(s): Gayle Girod; Applicant: David Keyser, david@capitalwelling.com; Hearing Date: 7/28/22 or 8/4/22 [6B05]
    Plans: https://app.box.com/s/dhn9muwq7e6fqor5v5v40hn1w7yanfma/folder/165796777890
  2. HPA-363: 1007 8th St SE (The Brig); Concept; Proposed commercial deck addition in front yard; Owner(s): Calle Ocho LLC; Applicant: Neil P. Cruickshank, NPC@Arch-Sol.biz; Hearing Date: 7/28/22 or 8/4/22 [6B04]
    Plans: https://app.box.com/s/dhn9muwq7e6fqor5v5v40hn1w7yanfma/folder/165795467053
  3. HPA 22-369: 409 East Capitol St SE; Concept: Add a rear addition to an existing building; Owner(s): Parasol Tree Holdings LLC; Applicant: Brian Forehand, brian@nthdegreearch.com; Hearing Date: 7/28/22 or 8/4/22 [6B01]
    Plans: https://app.box.com/s/dhn9muwq7e6fqor5v5v40hn1w7yanfma/folder/165796302858