October 2024 Full Meeting of ANC 6B

October 2024 Full Meeting of ANC 6B

Full October Meeting Details:

Date: October 8th, 2024
Time: 7:00PM – 10:00PM

Join Information: This meeting will be a hybrid meeting

Meeting location will be 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE; First Floor (entry adjacent to Trader Joe’s).

Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/95023093900

Meeting Passcode (Computer or App): ANC6BOct8!

Dial in: (301) 715 8592

Meeting ID: 950 2309 3900

Meeting Passcode (Phone): 0431443701

The below agenda includes items that will be discussed at the committee and task force level. Committees and taskforces may make recommendations to the full Commission to place items on the consent agenda or discuss further at the full meeting. This agenda will be updated based on recommendations for the committees and taskforces.



  1. Introductions
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Consent Agenda
    1. September Minutes
    2. Alcohol Beverage & Cannabis Committee Consent Items
      • ABRA-128725, JJHH Holdings, LLC t/a High Demand, 511 11th Street SE; New Medical Cannabis Retailer; Status hearing October 2, 20204; Protest Hearing November 6, 2024 [6B04]
      • ABRA-129295, Twenty-Eight USE, t/a Saint Georges, 301 7th Street SE, new Retailer Class “B” Beer & Wine Store; protest petition deadline: October 28, 2024; [6B02]
    3. Transportation Committee Consent Items
    4. Planning & Zoning Committee Consent Items
      • BZA 21189: 816 G Street, SE [6B04] Project: To construct two-story rear addition to an existing, semi-detached, two-story, principal dwelling unit in the RF-1 zone. (Square 926, Lot 802) Owner(s): Sidney Neely, neely1755@yahoo.com Applicant: Gregorie Holeyman, greg@barnstararchitects.com Hearing Date: 10/23/24 Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/Home/ViewCase?case_id=21189
      • ZC 23-27: Text & Map Amendments to Create Navy Yard East (NYE) Zone [N/A] Project: Text amendments to the Zoning Regulations that would establish a Navy Yard-East Zone on land that is currently unzoned as “Federal”. The recommendation would be to set-down (or not set-down) the matter before the Zoning Commission for a public hearing. Owner(s): N/A Applicant: DC Office of Planning Hearing Date: N/A Plans: https://app.dcoz.dc.gov/Home/ViewCase?case_id=23-27
    5. Public Safety Committee Consent Items
      • ANC 6B Letter to USAO Requesting DC Citizen Representation in Data Management Platform Development
    6. Financial Consent Items
      • Action Item: Approval of FY24 Q4 Quarterly Financial Report
  4. Community & Commission Announcements and Speak Out
    1. Reminder of Upcoming Meeting Dates
  5. Presentations
    1. Chris Williams, Return, Refund and Recycle Coalition. Bottle Bill Presentation
    2. Belinda Perry, Office of Campaign Finance General Counsel Presentation
    3. Selah Goodson Bell, Energy Justice Program, Center for Biological Diversity
      • ANC 6B Resolution on DC Utility Shutoff Ban
  6. ANC 6B Input on Other Items of Concern
  7. Alcoholic Beverage & Cannabis Committee
    1. ABRA-129296, Twenty-Eight USA, LLC t/a Saint Georges, 301 7th Street SE, new Retailer Class “C” Restaurant license; protest petition deadline: October 28, 2024; [6B02]
    2. Report for the ABC Committee
  8. Transportation Committee
    1. Action Item: Request for Pedestrian Safety Improvements at First St and Independence Ave SE
    2. Action Item: Letter Regarding Speeding on 600 block of G Street SE
    3. Report of the Transportation Committee
  9. Planning & Zoning Committee
    1. HPA 24-477: 510 8th Street, SE [6B04] Project: To construct a rear addition and add a third story to an existing, attached row house. Owner(s): TBD Applicant: Jeffry Goins, jgoins@michaelgraves.com Hearing Date: 10/24/24 or 10/31/24 Plans: TBD
    2. Report for the Planning & Zoning Committee
  10. Public Safety Committee
    1. ANC 6B Letter to Deputy Mayor of Public Safety Lindsay Appiah Reiterating Potomac Gardens’ Request for Enhanced Public Safety Patrols and Staffing
    2. Report for the Public Safety Committee (From 09/23/2024 Meeting)
  11. Southeast Library Task Force
    1. Report of the Task Force (From 09/23/2024 Meeting)
  12. Public Parks and Recreation Spaces Task Force
    1. Report of the Task Force
  13. Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee (EMCAC)
    1. Report for EMCAC
  14. Financials
    1. Monthly Financial Report
  15. ANC 6B Administrative Matters
    1. Administrative Assistant
    2. Bylaws
    3. Standing Rules
  16. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: At regular Commission meetings, any item may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda at the request of a single Commissioner. All ABC, BZA, Zoning, and Historic Preservation cases may be added to this agenda. For additional information, email 6b@anc.dc.gov, or visit ANC 6B’s website: www.anc6b.org.

For additional information, please contact Commissioner Edward Ryder, Chair of ANC 6B at 6B08@anc.dc.gov