P&Z Subcommittee on Alley and Street Closings

P&Z Subcommittee on Alley and Street Closings

Date: Saturday, October 28th
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM 10:30AM-12:00PM
Location: SE Library (403 7th St SE, Washington, DC 20003)


  1. Introductions (5 mins)
  2. Approval of Agenda (5 mins)
  3. Alley Closing in Square 762
    • Update Regarding Outreach to OAG and OANC (5 Mins)
    • Discussion/Recap of Site Tour with Applicant (15 Mins)
    • Update Regarding Outreach to Neighbors (15 mins)
    • Potential Items for a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) (30 mins)
    • Next Steps (15 mins)
  4. Next Meeting (5 mins)
  5. Adjournment

For additional information, please contact Commissioner Francis “Frank” D’Andrea, Chair of ANC 6B Planning and Zoning Committee at 6b04@anc.dc.gov.