April 2020 Meetings of ANC 6B

April 2020 Meetings of ANC 6B

  1. Introduction
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. March Minutes
  4. Presentations – Councilmember Charles Allen: Update the community on COVID-19
  5. Community & Commission Announcements & Speak Out
  6. Alcohol Beverage Control Committee
    1. ABRA-116333: 1401 Potomac Hall LLC, t/a The Roost, 1401 Pennsylvania Ave SE; New Retailer’s Class “C” Restaurant License; Establishment will be a restaurant offering multiple food vendors. Seating Capacity of 415inside and a Total Occupancy Load of 480. Sidewalk Café with a Total Occupancy Load of 118. Request to add an Entertainment Endorsement indoors and outdoors. Applicant: Sidon Yohannes, syohannes@theveritaslawfirm.com; Petition Deadline: tbd [6B06] – This case has been postponed until a later date.
      • Hours of Operation for Inside of The Premises and For the Sidewalk Café: Sunday through Thursday 7am–2am, Friday and Saturday 7am –3am
      • Hours of Alcoholic Beverage Sales, Service, And Consumption Inside of The Premises and For the Sidewalk Café: Sunday through Thursday 8am–2am, Friday and Saturday 8am –3am
      • Hours of Live Entertainment Inside of The Premises and For the Sidewalk Café: Sunday through Thursday 8am–2am, Friday and Saturday8am –3am
    2. ABRA-107078: 713 Partners LLC, t/a Finn McCools, 713 8th Street SE; Substantial Change request to install three (3) Dragon’s Ascent electronic games of skill machines. Applicant: Tom Johnson, tom@hillrestaurantgroup.com; Petition Deadline: 04/20/2020 tbd [6B03]
    3. ABRA-086141: Lola’s LLC, t/a Lola’s, 711 8th Street SE; Substantial Change request to install three (3) Dragon’s Ascent electronic games of skill machines. Applicant: Tom Johnson, tom@hillrestaurantgroup.com; Petition Deadline: 04/20/2020 tbd [6B03]
    4. ABRA-085710: Canal 5 LLC, t/a The Brig, 1007 8th Street SE; Substantial Change request to install three (3) Dragon’s Ascent electronic games of skill machines. Applicant: Mark Brody, Mbrody8@gmail.com; Petition Deadline: 04/20/2020 tbd [6B04]Planning and Zoning Committee
      1. ZC 20-06: 1st-Stage & Consolidated PUDs & Related Map Amendment from PDR-4 zone to MU-9 zone, 1333 M St. SE (Sq. 1025E, Lot 802; Sq. 1048S, Lots 1, 801, & 802; and RES 129 & 299); Owner: 1333 M Street LLC. Applicant: Christopher Cohen, Christopher.cohen@hklaw.com; Hearing Date: tbd [6B]
  7. Transportation Committee
    1. DDOT NOI 20-56-PSD for E Street SE Bike Lane
    2. NOI 17-56-TOA: Temporary Pick Up Drop Off Zones for ANC 6B
      • 501 8th Street SE
      • 655 Pennsylvania Ave SE
    3. Review of 19-0776264 TSA Request for Hump on 600 block of D St SE
    4. Letter to DDOT on request for traffic calming measures on 11th Street SE at the junction of I-695
  8. Hill East Task Force
  9. Livable Community Task Force
  10. Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee Report
  11. Working Group on Barrack’s Row
  12.  Financial
    1. Treasurers Report
    2. FY20 Quarter 2 Report
  13. ANC 6B Administrative Matters
  14. ANC 6B Input on Other Concerns
  15. Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: At regular Commission meetings, any item may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda at the request of a single Commissioner. All ABC, BZA, Zoning, and Historic Preservation cases may be added to this agenda. For additional information, email 6b@anc.dc.gov, or visit ANC 6B’s website: www.anc6b.org.

The ANC 6B Executive Committee will meet on April 28 at 7:00 PM to set the May 2020 agenda. This meeting will be virtual on the Webex Platform. Below is the link & Call-In number to join this public meeting.

Meeting Link:


Join by video system:

Dial 479531642@dcnet.webex.com
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Join by phone:

1-650-479-3208 Call-in number (US/Canada)
Access code: 479 531 642

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